Monday, January 31, 2011

How do you spend your Valentines day?

It was just asked of me, how my husband and I spend our Valentines Day. I do have a couple of rules, but they are not difficult. Let me repeat, they are not difficult.

This was my response to that question:
"Frankly, the rule is, no gas station gifts, you know the last minute ones on the way home.
We have to leave the house and the children, and I don't care if it is on Valentines Day or not, just act like you want to try.
Have been married 13 years, still don't know how I found him, or what I would do without him, but it is really the thought that counts. Except for the gas station fake rose with the fake dew on it. That thought isn't worth a s***."

So, how do you spend your Valentines Day?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny!
    Stopped by via your Facebook...and see you have a new blog here! I have to laugh at your post here. I think we've only actually had a couple of official Valentines celebrations ever. I can't stand the pressure that is put on everyone to give some cheesy gift. Every time I see a "every kiss begins with Kay" commercial I want to vomit. I wish it could be a more natural thing to do. I would rather get some flowers throughout the year off and on then the obligatory 9.99 dozen of last minute roses.
    But, honestly for's just another day.
